Talc (Soapstone)

Khyber Minerals Minerals a division of Khyber Minerals Industry. has been involved with the Mineral Industry for the last decade. Employing some of the best geologists and scientists of Pakistan. Khyber Minerals is credited with some astonishing discoveries one of them being “Talc”. Talc is a rock that is mined from open-pit and underground deposits. Because it is a natural product, talc is always found in combination with at least one other mineral whose proportion depends on its geological origin. Chemically pure talc has never been found in nature in commercial quantities. Practically all of the talc products offered are impure. The most common host for talc ore bodies is dolomite & ultramafic rocks. Color variations range from snow-white to black, including greenish gray & various shades of green, pink and even red.

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Our mines & environment

Pakistan is host to some of the best Talc deposits in the world, which are now being brought forth by Khyber Minerals. With our own mines, each exhibiting a unique and diverse quality Khyber Minerals have now made a systematic and well defined Mining Schedule and strategy to plan & sort out different grades of ores. Each ore sample is then carefully selected and analyzed on site, in terms of their Chemical & Physical properties and then rechecked at our main Laboratory in Karachi. Since Pakistan has no open pit mines the very white talc has to be fetched from deep inside the mines and we place a lot of premium on our white products.  Trees are not allowed to be cut. Great care is taken to ensure that New Mine heads are not situated in and near dense foliage further trees are being planted and a Master plan to this effect is already in place to enhance the ecological balance & harmony of the area. Great care is taken at our mines to ensure that Child labour is not allowed and is totally forbidden.

Quality control

We pride ourselves in establishing the first modern laboratory with state of the art equipment totally dedicated to monitoring strict quality control of our products at each step from the small mines of KPK to the vast markets of the world. Not an ounce of talc leaves our premises until it has been tested, retested and analyzed for the chemical and physical characteristics that have been promised to our costumers. Our R&D team can also undertake production of various grades of powder to suit individual customer needs. You tell us what you want or we can advise you on what will best assist your particular product.

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